Baby Face Shaker
Baby Face Shaker
The stuff of nightmares.
Animation: Shaker- a violent animation driven by a single pneumatic cylinder. This character requires high air pressure, and a minimum of a 5 gallon compressor tank. The control board has two regulators. One, set at 40-50psi for the cylinder. The second, set to 120psi for the erratic air hoses. The animation is controlled by a PicoBoo Jr. This prop comes set up on a loop animation. If you would like to set this character up for trigger activation, the control is trigger ready, but you must supply your own trigger.
Dimensions: Base 20x17in , Height 6ft 5in, Shoulders20in wide
Shipping: This character ships FREIGHT shipping. Due to the size of the prop, it ships securely packed on a 40x48 pallet. It can be packed with 3-4 other humanoid or skeleton props.